won't you be my neighbor

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just one of those days!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel kinda down and you don't really know why? I am kinda experiencing that today. Just got back from school not too long ago and I am just use to working, but now I am only working a parttime job and I know school is ever getting closer. I know that God is in control and that He has a plan for me this summer and that He will provide, but its like I can't be content with that today for some reason.

My coworker is listening to the radio and there is this comedian that comes on about this time everyday and he was talking about sheep and how dumb they are. He was referring to some that he was watching follow each other and the leader ended up leading the rest off of a hill and into some rocks. I have heard it said that sheep will eat themselves right off of a cliff. The are completely dependent on a shepherd.

God compares us to sheep. We try do do things in our own wisdom and strength and we end up walking of our own "cliffs". But our Shepherd knows what is best for us. If we would just walk closely to Him and let Him guide us then we will be in His perfect will.

It was such a good reminder to hear this message this morning. I have done what I know to do. Apply for all of these jobs, recreated my portfolio and resume and have sent it out to several places but still no answer. Not that these things are bad, but I need to start really seeking God's will and just trust Him that He has a plan for my life even in these next 3 months.