won't you be my neighbor

Thursday, October 26, 2006

When we whine...

Last Fall when I went to school, it was a major adjustment. Not only was the shock of being away from home for the first time a factor, but there was a whole new lifestyle that was going to be presented to me that I had never encountered before.

Living with 3 ladies of totally different backgrounds, in a room that is about the same size as my bedroom at home, as well as sharing a one shower and one toilet with 3 additional girls was a little intense at first. On a campus with as many students as a major university crammed onto a campus smaller than some of the smaller community colleges, quiet time was something unheard of. It was definitely an adjustment.. Did I mention the rules??? Rules that you couldn't imagine were presented to me that year... Did I whine...did I complain...?? OH YEAH!

I had often questioned God's calling for me to that place; I had asked Him if He was sure that was where He wanted me.

One day during the revival service, my toes were stomped! The speaker was talking about murmuring and I can't remember the passage of scripture that he used, but the basic message was that when we complain and murmur, we are actually saying, "God, I know what's better for my life than you do and this is not what's best for me." It reminds me of how the Lord had to set Job straight and remind him Who created the universe.

Sometimes our circumstances do not always make sense and we question the ways of God, but rest assured His wisdom far exceeds ours and there is a purpose for our sufferings no matter how great!

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them who are the called and chosen for His purpose

That year of school ended up being one of the best things other than salvation that had ever happened to me. Each boulder that we have to climb in this life will always be a stepping stone to make you into the person that God has designed you to be!


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