won't you be my neighbor

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Who am I truly mad at?

After talking with someone , I experienced some frustration. It is discouraging when you see a Christian with extremely strong standards and morals to just drop them and then give excuses for their behavior. I felt so hurt and I know that it is their walk with God, not mine. I just still hurt and hurt for them. When that conversation had ended, all I could think about was the situation and it was just discouraging.

This morning, when I was looking through my devotional book, I noticed that I had forgotten yesterday's devotional.

Eph 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Sometimes we get so focused on the person and feel hurt or disappointed by things they do, but it is not them that we need to be upset with. There is a bigger power that is controlling them. Granted, they make make the decision to get there, but they are being enticed by a power that is stronger than them.

My devotional says, "Be alert to the spiritual warfare around you. It is real and potentially destructive to you and those you care about. Knowing your real foe will protect you from bitterness and unforgiveness. Your hope lies in the reality that 'He who is in you is greater that he who is in the world' (IJohn 4:4). Do not place your hope in humanity, but steadfastly trust in the One who has already defeated your enemy."


  • Perhaps the harder part is not even realizing the spiritual battle, but loving the one who has disappointed you. Too often I have realized later that there was much going on that I did not realize was. Not an excuse at all, but often reality. Sometimes the spiritual battle is in their circumstances, and the lapse happens somewhere else. They've struggled to battle on one side and let their frustration out in another. Now, realizing that I don't know circumstances, this is just a reminder. Our job is to love the fallen, correct in love, and restore in love. and remember that we are to keep our eyes on the one who is eternally perfect and remember that He is the only one who doesn't disappoint. The rest of us are fallible..always.

    By Blogger Lyrical One, at 8:33 AM  

  • very true..as i was writing I was thinking how I disappoint people as well and how God must feel during all the times that I fail Him..but yet He loves me despite my faults..and I do still love the person very much so...just made me think of how there is a possible deeper battle going on than we realize....thanks ;)

    By Blogger the one next door, at 9:03 AM  

  • Honestly I've been rejecting the thought that there's a bigger picture. I know that there is, but my primary concern (relating this to a current personal circumstance) is one person when in reality the two are not separable right now.

    By Blogger Heather, at 3:12 PM  

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