won't you be my neighbor

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving!

(from a jokes page)


As I was riding to work this morning, I could not help but notice the beautiful sunrise again. One good things about getting up so early is seeing the sunrise. It is so refreshing and brightens my day!

This morning was kind of humorous though; as the sun would peep out behind the cloud, the cloud would shift in front of it. It looked like two kids jumping in front of the other in line.

The clouds were kind of dark but the glow of the sun could still be seen and no matter how many times the cloud jumped in front the sun would still get through it.

Isn't that just like God in our own lives. Sometimes things seem dark and when we try and push forward something seems to just pop up in front of us again, and although we can't see the Son, His light still glows all around us until we eventually see Him again!

I love the sunrise! It reflects God's handiwork and reminds us of the hope the He gives!

Monday, November 13, 2006


I went to talk with a friend this morning and I was just overwhelmed with everything that I had to do. While on the verge of losing my mind, she shared some advice to me that I would like to pass along to you.

She had a meeting last week were the speaker used an acronym for the word "busy." Being Under Satan's Yoke. I know that all busyness is not always bad, but sometimes it can hinder our walk and service with God.

A lot of times we don't witness like we should..because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't pray like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't read and study our Bibles like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't reach out to others like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't put into service what we are capable of doing...because we're busy!

In our crazy society, we have more conveniences than ever, but we constantly run around like chickens with our heads cut off. Maybe there is some truth to this acronym because of our busyness, sometimes our relationships with our families, friends, and more importantly with our Lord suffer.

I have heard so many Christians lately say that they have lost their joy and their relationship with God is not what it should be because they just do not have the time to devote to it..

God says, "be still" but yet.. we still hurry!