won't you be my neighbor

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Just one of those days!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel kinda down and you don't really know why? I am kinda experiencing that today. Just got back from school not too long ago and I am just use to working, but now I am only working a parttime job and I know school is ever getting closer. I know that God is in control and that He has a plan for me this summer and that He will provide, but its like I can't be content with that today for some reason.

My coworker is listening to the radio and there is this comedian that comes on about this time everyday and he was talking about sheep and how dumb they are. He was referring to some that he was watching follow each other and the leader ended up leading the rest off of a hill and into some rocks. I have heard it said that sheep will eat themselves right off of a cliff. The are completely dependent on a shepherd.

God compares us to sheep. We try do do things in our own wisdom and strength and we end up walking of our own "cliffs". But our Shepherd knows what is best for us. If we would just walk closely to Him and let Him guide us then we will be in His perfect will.

It was such a good reminder to hear this message this morning. I have done what I know to do. Apply for all of these jobs, recreated my portfolio and resume and have sent it out to several places but still no answer. Not that these things are bad, but I need to start really seeking God's will and just trust Him that He has a plan for my life even in these next 3 months.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

When life gives you lemons...make lemonade! or teeth?

Well, I am getting ready to go back to school again...and I will hopefully be writing more in the blog page with school updates. I think that it is harder to leave this time than it was the first time. Everything was new then and now, I have been had the privilege to meet new people and old relationships were strengthened. But, it's only 4 months! yaaaaaay!

Sometimes our preparations for God's calling in our lives seem to a bit of a struggle, but it is always worth it to keep pushing forward. If we look in the past, we often think.."I had no idea that I would be where I am today." I realize sometimes that is said in a negative situation. Can you imagine if God allowed us to see the big picture to the fullest? We would probably be scared to death and wouldn't go forward.

But each day, He trains us to be more and more dependent on Him...That's when we are the strongest.

So I encourage you..whatever you are going through in your life..Keep pushing forward. He has bigger and better plans for you..He's just making you stronger!

(oh yeah, I am not drunk. As much as it looks like it..it was just hard to smile with a lemon and open your eyes wide..)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving!

(from a jokes page)


As I was riding to work this morning, I could not help but notice the beautiful sunrise again. One good things about getting up so early is seeing the sunrise. It is so refreshing and brightens my day!

This morning was kind of humorous though; as the sun would peep out behind the cloud, the cloud would shift in front of it. It looked like two kids jumping in front of the other in line.

The clouds were kind of dark but the glow of the sun could still be seen and no matter how many times the cloud jumped in front the sun would still get through it.

Isn't that just like God in our own lives. Sometimes things seem dark and when we try and push forward something seems to just pop up in front of us again, and although we can't see the Son, His light still glows all around us until we eventually see Him again!

I love the sunrise! It reflects God's handiwork and reminds us of the hope the He gives!

Monday, November 13, 2006


I went to talk with a friend this morning and I was just overwhelmed with everything that I had to do. While on the verge of losing my mind, she shared some advice to me that I would like to pass along to you.

She had a meeting last week were the speaker used an acronym for the word "busy." Being Under Satan's Yoke. I know that all busyness is not always bad, but sometimes it can hinder our walk and service with God.

A lot of times we don't witness like we should..because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't pray like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't read and study our Bibles like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't reach out to others like we should...because we're busy!
A lot of times we don't put into service what we are capable of doing...because we're busy!

In our crazy society, we have more conveniences than ever, but we constantly run around like chickens with our heads cut off. Maybe there is some truth to this acronym because of our busyness, sometimes our relationships with our families, friends, and more importantly with our Lord suffer.

I have heard so many Christians lately say that they have lost their joy and their relationship with God is not what it should be because they just do not have the time to devote to it..

God says, "be still" but yet.. we still hurry!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Who am I truly mad at?

After talking with someone , I experienced some frustration. It is discouraging when you see a Christian with extremely strong standards and morals to just drop them and then give excuses for their behavior. I felt so hurt and I know that it is their walk with God, not mine. I just still hurt and hurt for them. When that conversation had ended, all I could think about was the situation and it was just discouraging.

This morning, when I was looking through my devotional book, I noticed that I had forgotten yesterday's devotional.

Eph 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Sometimes we get so focused on the person and feel hurt or disappointed by things they do, but it is not them that we need to be upset with. There is a bigger power that is controlling them. Granted, they make make the decision to get there, but they are being enticed by a power that is stronger than them.

My devotional says, "Be alert to the spiritual warfare around you. It is real and potentially destructive to you and those you care about. Knowing your real foe will protect you from bitterness and unforgiveness. Your hope lies in the reality that 'He who is in you is greater that he who is in the world' (IJohn 4:4). Do not place your hope in humanity, but steadfastly trust in the One who has already defeated your enemy."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

When we whine...

Last Fall when I went to school, it was a major adjustment. Not only was the shock of being away from home for the first time a factor, but there was a whole new lifestyle that was going to be presented to me that I had never encountered before.

Living with 3 ladies of totally different backgrounds, in a room that is about the same size as my bedroom at home, as well as sharing a one shower and one toilet with 3 additional girls was a little intense at first. On a campus with as many students as a major university crammed onto a campus smaller than some of the smaller community colleges, quiet time was something unheard of. It was definitely an adjustment.. Did I mention the rules??? Rules that you couldn't imagine were presented to me that year... Did I whine...did I complain...?? OH YEAH!

I had often questioned God's calling for me to that place; I had asked Him if He was sure that was where He wanted me.

One day during the revival service, my toes were stomped! The speaker was talking about murmuring and I can't remember the passage of scripture that he used, but the basic message was that when we complain and murmur, we are actually saying, "God, I know what's better for my life than you do and this is not what's best for me." It reminds me of how the Lord had to set Job straight and remind him Who created the universe.

Sometimes our circumstances do not always make sense and we question the ways of God, but rest assured His wisdom far exceeds ours and there is a purpose for our sufferings no matter how great!

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them who are the called and chosen for His purpose

That year of school ended up being one of the best things other than salvation that had ever happened to me. Each boulder that we have to climb in this life will always be a stepping stone to make you into the person that God has designed you to be!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A Beautiful Start

This morning God painted an amazing picture. There was a chill in the air, but yet the warmth of the morning sunrise just warmed my soul.

God is so amazing.

If someone were to build me a magnificent house with everything I could possibly imagine, I would be so grateful, but somehow throughout the day, I find myself forgetting that the Lord has already done that. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also just temporary.

Most of the time, when people build vacation or temporary homes, it does not compare to their permanent residence. Since this Earth is just a seasonal home, it just makes me wonder how beautiful Heaven must be.

God is so awesome and I am so finite. I am truly blessed!

this picture was taken by Liz in the Outer Banks